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Grading scheme

Grade Letter Numerical equivalence Grade Type Grade Point
A 90% and above Excellent 4.00
A- 85% to less than 90% Excellent 3.70
B+ 80% to less than 85% Good 3.30
B 75% to less than 80% Good 3.00
B- 70% to less than 75% Good 2.70
C+ 65% to less than 70% Passing 2.30
C 60% to less than 65% Passing 2.00
C- 55% to less than 60% Passing 1.70
D+ 50% to less than 55% Deficient Passing 1.30
D 45% to less than 50% Deficient Passing 1.00
F Less than 45% Failing 0.00
courses.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/27 04:13 by asad

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