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AST 100: Our Cosmic History

1. Content

The course content is written as fictional dialogues between Socrates and his seven students who live in a fictional Barzakh.

Chapter Name Week Main character River
0 Seven Ages of the Universe 1, 2 Socrates
1 Particle Age 3, 4 Rabi Angsi
2 Galactic Age 5, 6 Shashi Tsangpo
3 Stellar Age 8 Mars Siang
4 Planetary Age 9 Hermes Brahmaputra
5 Chemical Age 10 Juno Jamuna
6 Biological Age 11 Ishtar Padma
7 Cultural Age 12, 13 Rhea Meghna

2. Assessment

Type Assessment Marks Total
Continuous Attendance1) 10 60
Punctuality2) 10
Group work 25
MCQ Quizzes 15
Summative Midterm presentation 20 40
Final presentation 20

3. Reference books

  1. Eric Chaisson, Epic of Evolution, Columbia University Press.
  2. Thomas Arny and Stephen Schneider, Explorations: Introduction to Astronomy, McGraw Hill.
  3. Jay M. Pasachoff and Alex Filippenko, The Cosmos: Astronomy in the New Millennium, Cambridge University Press.
  4. David Christian, Maps of Time: An Introduction to Big History, University of California Press.
Measured by the percentage of classes the student attended.
Measured by the average number of minutes students arrive late to class.
courses/ast100.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/29 00:08 by asad

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