AST 402: Stars and Interstellar Medium
Course Content

Stellar Spectra
How do spectral lines form in the blackbody spectrum of a star? Saha equation and the composition of stars. Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram.

Equations of stellar structure. Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics. How to simulate a star in a computer?

Interstellar medium
How are stellar materials recycled in the interstellar medium (ISM)? Hydrogen in the ISM. Interstellar clouds of different types in our Galaxy.

What are the Jeans criteria that determine whether an interstellar cloud will collapse to form stars or not? Birth-track of different stars in the HR diagram. Initial mass function.

Evolution of stars of different masses in the HR diagram. What are the different timescales in stellar evolution? Causes of the different phases of a stars life. Why does a star pulsate near the end of its life?

Death and remnants
Why do stars of different masses die differently? What are the physical mechanisms that give rise to white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes? How do pulsars and supermassive black holes form?
Keystone Project