====== Finding features in the x-ray maps of intra-cluster media (ICM) ====== Produce your own analysis of the Chandra observations of a cluster of galaxy following the examples given in Chapter 6 of //[[https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/38pvnclict1f541ghosf7/Asad-thesis-master.pdf?rlkey=n6y8uwqkxfac8l6ivv1jizwxm&dl=0|Study of the formation of Cold Fronts and Radio Mini-halos induced by the Intergalactic Gas Sloshing in the Cores of Galaxy Clusters]]//, the MSc thesis of KMB Asad. ===== - Produce maps ===== {{:projects:mimic:ms1455.png?nolink|}} ===== - Create radial profiles ===== {{:projects:mimic:ms1455-profiles.png?nolink|}}