====== Bloom's taxonomy ====== For theory courses use more words from the **cognitive** domain; for lab courses use more words from the **psychomotor** domain; and for the courses that emphasizes emotional intelligence, teamwork and communication maybe use more words from the **affective** domain. ===== Cognitive domain ===== {{ :en:cognitive.png?nolink |}} ^ # ^ Level ^ Action words ^ | 1 | Knowledge (remember) | define, describe, identify, label, list, match, name, outline, recall, recite, select, state | | 2 | Comprehension (understand) | convert, defend, discriminate, distinguish, estimate, explain, extend, generalize, infer, paraphrase, predict, summarize | | 3 | Application | change, compute, demonstrate, develop, modify, operate, organize, prepare, relate, solve, transfer, use | | 4 | Analysis | break down, deduce, diagram, differentiate, distinguish, illustrate, infer, outline, point out, relate, separate out, subdivide | | 5 | Synthesis | categorize, compile, compose, create, design, devise, formulate, predict, produce | | 6 | Evaluation | appraise, compare, contrast, criticize, defend, judge, justify, support, validate | ===== Psychomotor domain ===== {{ :en:psychomotor.png?nolink |}} ^ # ^ Level ^ Action words ^ | 1 | Imitation | align, balance, follow, grasp, hold, place, repeat, rest (on), step (here) | | 2 | Manipulation | align, balance, follow, grasp, hold, place, repeat, rest (on), step (here) | | 3 | Precision | accurately, without error, independently, proficiently, with control, with balance | | 4 | Articulation | confidence, coordination, harmony, integration, proportion, smoothness, speed, stability, timing | | 5 | Naturalization | automatically, effortlessly, naturally, professionally, routinely, spontaneously, with ease, with perfection, with poise | ===== Affective domain ===== {{ :en:affective.png?nolink |}} ^ # ^ Level ^ Action words ^ | 1 | Receiving | attend, be aware, control, discern, hear, listen, look, notice, share | | 2 | Responding | applaud, comply, discuss, follow, obey, participate, play, practice, volunteer | | 3 | Valuing | act, argue, convince, debate, display, express, help, organize, prefer | | 4 | Organization | abstract, balance, compare, decide, define, formulate, select, systematize, theorize | | 5 | Characterization | avoid, display, exhibit, internalize, manage, require, resist, resolve, revise | ---- Reference: Gary D. Borich, //Effective Teaching Methods//, Pearson, 2017.